Sunday Gatherings

Our Sunday gathering is the main meeting of the church during the week, where our small groups come together. If you come to one of our gatherings there will be around 50 adults and 15-20 children, including people from many nationalities, enjoying an a family atmosphere who together experience:

Singing - we are grateful to God for what he has done, excited about his work in our lives and in awe of who he is. So we sing songs of worship, to him and one another, led by a band. 

Preaching - we want to understand God better and his plans and purposes for our lives and his world. Someone gifted in understanding and communicating the bible will talk for 25-30 minutes about God, an aspect of life or other related issues.

Listening - we believe that God speaks to us through the Bible and through members of the congregation. So as we gather we are learning to listen to what God is saying to us and responding to him.

Praying - we believe that praying to a loving God changes situations and lives. So when we gather we pray asking him to change our lives and transform the world around us.

Each gathering is lead by a member of congregation, a preacher and a worship team and they will explain what is happening at each stage. When we gather we also have regular children's work for 0-11 years old led by DBS checked workers and Youth Work for 11-18. We meet at 10:30am and normally finish at around 12:00pm. Our style of worship is informal with words appearing on a big screen. Find out more about what we sing.